Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2010
Langkah-langkah aktivasi Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 adalah: Pilih 1 untuk merubah/meng-convert Office 2010 dari RTM menjadi Volume License (VL) Setelah selesai lakukan langkah ke-2 untuk aktivasi Office 2010 tunggu sampai selesai proses aktivasi Office 2010, disini akan ketahuan proses aktivasi Office 2010 berhasil atau gagal. Aktivasi Office 2010 Apabila Anda sedang membuat dokumen baru atau membuka file Microsoft Office 2010 tiba-tiba muncul pop-up pemberitahuan bahwa micsofot office yang Anda gunakan masih unlicenced atau trial dan dibagian atas nama dokumen akan berwarna merah yang bertulisan (Product Activation Failed). Mengaktifkan Office 2010 melalui telepon. Dalam Panduan Aktivasi, pilih Saya ingin mengaktifkan perangkat lunak melalui telepon. Hubungi nomor khusus untuk negara/kawasan Anda yang tercantum dalam artikel ini. Layanan Microsoft Text Telephone (TT/TTY) tersedia untuk individu penyandang tuna rungu atau gangguan pendengaran.
How did you get Pro Plus? It is a limited distribution bundle? The most common source I know of is the HUP, Home Use Program.The reason I ask is you must have a license type that allows you to transfer the installation, or that allows install on more than one computer.
You could try generic MS Support as Doug suggested in the hope of getting a replacement code, or you could try doing a phone activation. When you phone in don't reply to the initial prompts. Instead do something to branch the phone system into error mode, either by simply not replying to any of the prompts or by hitting wrong buttons to all of the questions it poses. Eventually you should be offered the option of talking to a live 'service' rep. Explain the problem to them. They should be able to tell you exactly what the cause of the error is, in more detail than the generic messages do.
Maybe you can extend the terms of the next 2 references to include 2010 (if you are a quick talker)
While the license agreement accompanying Office 2013 software will be updated in a future release, this change is effective immediately and applies to Office Home and Student 2013, Office Home and Business 2013, Office Professional 2013 and the standalone Office 2013 applications. These transferability options are equivalent to those found in the Office 2010 retail license terms. The updated text is as follows:
Updated transferability provision to the Retail License Terms of the Software License Agreement for Microsoft Office 2013 Desktop Application Software:
Can I transfer the software to another computer or user? You may transfer the software to another computer that belongs to you, but not more than one time every 90 days (except due to hardware failure, in which case you may transfer sooner). If you transfer the software to another computer, that other computer becomes the “licensed computer.” You may also transfer the software (together with the license) to a computer owned by someone else if a) you are the first licensed user of the software and b) the new user agrees to the terms of this agreement before the transfer. Any time you transfer the software to a new computer, you must remove the software from the prior computer and you may not retain any copies.
FINALLY, I have a quote from a MS source that says there is a mechanism for getting a new Product Key if your computer dies
<snip>In the event that a customer buys the Office 2013 software and installs it on a PC that fails under warranty, the customer can contact support to receive an exemption to activate the Office 2013 software on the replacement PC. </snip>
Here are some links that discuss getting replacements for product keys
If you bought Office as an online download, return to the website you bought it from and use your “Windows Live” e-mail address to log in to an account that was setup for you. The account lists all online purchases, product keys and installation file download links: The 2 most commonly used online stores are MS and Digital River:
www.microsoftstore.com) - Microsoft
https://www7.buyoffice.microsoft.com/can/default.aspx - Digital River
You need 2 things to install Office, your unique personal 25 character “Product Key” and the generic Office installation file / disk for the matching Office bundle.
The above link describes the formal MS support available.
To summarize the article, it depends on how you bought Office:
If you have a 1-computer (online download), “PKC” (Product Key Card), “MLK” (Medialess Kit), “OEM” (factory installed and Activated) type license you cannot transfer the license to a new computer. It is only good on the first computer it is installed on and stays permanently with the computer when it is sold or scrapped.
If you have a 2-computer or 3-computer for Home and Student only (online download), “FPP” (online download), Boxed retail CD/DVD (which is usually the”FPP” type), these types of license may be transferred to new comptuers as required.
All licenses available to the general public that I am aware of may be re-installed on the same computer, even after limited upgrades like adding RAM, new HD, re-installing Windows, upgrading Windows version etc.
The link above describes where to look for Product Key numbers. If you still have a computer that Office was installed and activated on, which you have NOT re-installed or upgraded Windows let us know and we can provide links to tools that will extract the key from your HD.
If your purchase was through the Microsoft Store, You can contact them at 1-877-696-7786 or login using your credentials in the link below: http://store.microsoft.com and they may be able to provide download details.
If your purchase was through Digital River, refer the following link:https://store.digitalriver.com/DRHM/servlet/ControllerServlet?Action=DisplayContactFormPage&SiteID=msshus&Locale=en_US&Env=BASE
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2548260 Article ID: 2548260 - Last Review: July 3, 2012 - Revision: 16.0
http://office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=191&z=12 Pt 1
http://office-watch.com/t/n.aspx?a=202&z=12Pt 2
These links discuss the issue. The short answer is you have to convince MS Support to give you a new product key.So, unless you have overwhelming proof of your original purchase and loss (police report, insurance claim) MS won’t even consider giving you any satisfaction.Actually MS would prefer that you, or your insurance company, pay for a new copy of Office.
If you have followed the tips in the previous section and you still cannot unlock Office with your product key, or if you cannot find your product key, you can obtain a new one. To do this, contact Microsoft Support. Find the support telephone number for your area by running the Product Activation Wizard on your computer. For more information about how to run the Product Activation Wizard, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: How to contact a Microsoft Product Activation Center
When you contact Microsoft for a new Office product key, please have the following items available for the customer service representative:
·The product CD-ROM.
·The computer serial number on which you want to install the Office suite.
·The readable parts of your original product key (if available).
You don’t need to be connected to the Internet to use Office applications, such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, because the applications are fully installed on your computer.
Yes. Documents that you have created belong fully to you. You can choose to store them online on OneDrive or locally on your PC or Mac.
If you purchase an auto-renew subscription, your subscription starts when you complete your purchase. You can purchase auto-renew subscriptions from Office365.com, MicrosoftStore.com, iTunes®, and some other retailers. If you purchase a pre-paid subscription, your subscription starts when you activate your subscription and land on your My Account page. You can purchase pre-paid subscriptions from a retailer or reseller, or a Microsoft support agent.
Aktivasi Microsoft Office 2010 Permanen
Kode Aktivasi Office 2010
“The cloud” is a friendly way of describing web-based computing services that are hosted outside of your home or organization. When you use cloud-based services, your IT infrastructure resides off your property (off-premises), and is maintained by a third party (hosted), instead of residing on a server at your home or business (on-premises) that you maintain. With Office 365, for example, information storage, computation, and software are located and managed remotely on servers owned by Microsoft. Many services you use every day are a part of the cloud—everything from web-based email to mobile banking and online photo storage. Because this infrastructure is located online or “in the cloud,” you can access it virtually anywhere, from a PC, tablet, smartphone, or other device with an Internet connection.